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Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Use apply to your use of Synthia's AI-powered computational biology services, including the AI chatbot, code generation and debugging tools, data processing capabilities, and associated software and websites (collectively, the "Services"). By using our Services, you agree to these Terms, which form a binding agreement between you and Synthia Labs, Inc. 


Registration and Access

  • You must be at least 13 years old or the minimum age required in your country to consent to use the Services. If you are under 18, you must have your parent or legal guardian's permission to use the Services.

  • You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. Do not share your login credentials with anyone else. 

  • You must have the necessary rights and permissions for any data or code you upload to or generate using the Services.


Acceptable Use 

  • Do not use the Services for any illegal, harmful, or abusive purposes. 

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to privacy, data protection, and intellectual property.

  • Do not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile or discover the source code or algorithms behind the Services.

  • Do not interfere with or disrupt the Services or circumvent any access controls or usage limits.


Input and Output

  • You retain ownership of any data, text, instructions, or other information you provide as input to the Services ("Input"). Synthia may use Input to provide the Services to you.

  • Synthia assigns ownership to you of any code, text, plots, tables, or other output generated for you by the Services based on your Input ("Output").

  • Synthia cannot guarantee Output will always be fully accurate or error-free. You are responsible for reviewing and validating Output before use or publication.

  • Synthia may use Input and Output to improve the Services, but will not share them publicly or with other users without your permission.


Third Party Services  

  • The Services may allow for installation of third party packages and use of docker containers. Those are subject to their own terms. Synthia does not endorse or take responsibility for them.



  • You can stop using the Services at any time. Synthia may terminate your access if you violate these Terms.  

  • Synthia may discontinue the Services but will provide advance notice if it does.


Disclaimer of Warranties

  • The Services are provided "as is." Except to the extent prohibited by law, Synthia disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the Services.  

  • Code generation, in particular, is an emerging AI capability. Generated Code may be incorrect or have errors. You accept sole risk and responsibility for Generated Code.


Limitation of Liability

  • Synthia will not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or exemplary damages related to your use of the Services. 

  • Synthia's total liability will not exceed the greater of $20 or the fees you paid Synthia in the prior 12 months.


Dispute Resolution 

  • You and Synthia agree to first try to informally resolve any disputes related to these Terms or the Services.

  • Any claims must be brought individually. Class actions are prohibited.  

  • These Terms are governed by the laws of California.

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